5. Conclusion

5.1 Summary of findings
In conclusion, the different water qualities does affect the growth of the duckweeds.  If the water has many pollutants, it will be of lower quality and obstruct the growth of the duckweeds. If the water does not have many pollutants, it will be of a higher quality and thus allowing the duckweeds to grow faster and better. Duckweeds require a very clean environment that is suitable for them to thrive. Therefore, the lesser pollutants in the water will cause the duckweeds to grow faster and better while more pollutants will slow down or even kill the duckweeds growing in it. This can be seen in the graphs where A is left with 10 or more duckweed; B, about 10 or a little less; C, about 5 to 8; D, less than 4 and E, 0. But in the beakers with a small amount of pesticides, the duckweed seemed to grow even more than the control. This can be seen in Graph 1 when there is a sudden increase in the growth of duckweed.

5.2 Practical Applications
Our project of determining water quality can help poorer countries as they do not have clean water like we do. They get water from rivers and lakes and sometimes these water bodies are polluted with harmful chemicals and wastes from factories. If the bioindicator, duckweed or other water plants, can help to determine the water quality, these people will be able to detect clean water so that they can drink it safely without worrying about their health and wellbeing. If our researches are heightened, we may be able to find a better plant or even develop a method that can determine water quality. This can help people in rural areas find a clear water source for their daily needs so as to ensure that they do not contract water-bond diseases or get poisoned by polluted water they drink from.

5.3 Areas for further study
We could research what other plants other than duckweed which could be used as a bioindicator as duckweed may not be the most effective ones.

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